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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Law Library Publication Wins Prestigious Award

Cover of Jewels of the Collection showing gold crown on red background
The Law Library is pleased to announce that it has received the 2024
 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award from the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) for its publication, Jewels of the Collection: Treasures of the Riesenfeld Rare Books Research Center (University of Minnesota Law Library, 2023). The Andrews Award recognizes significant textual contributions to legal bibliographical literature and is one of the most prestigious awards presented by AALL. The award criteria evaluate works for originality and creativity, and honor publications in legal bibliography, legal research, and those that advance the field of law librarianship.

Jewels of the Collection is a catalog of one hundred selected treasures from the Riesenfeld Rare Books Center's collections. Its aim is to introduce rare and unique legal materials that explore a global legal heritage. The catalog's selected items are accompanied by detailed descriptions that explain their significance and place them in historical context. Included in the publication are many books, pamphlets, letters, and other documents that represent important contributions to law and history, or are landmark 'firsts' of legal literature. Other items are notable for associations with famous authors and owners, such as Clarence Darrow, whose preeminent collection of letters is held at the Riesenfeld Center, or because they stand as unique artifacts and works of art. The volume trains a spotlight on familiar and lesser-known works that provide important insights into the historical development, and progress, of diverse traditions of law.

Jewels of the Collection was co-authored by Ryan Greenwood, Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections, and Patrick Graybill, the former Library Digital Initiatives Technologist, with editorial support from law librarians Michael HannonConnie Lenz, and Sarah YatesPublications authored or edited by the University of Minnesota Law librarians have now won the Joseph L. Andrews Award five times, a remarkable achievement.

   - Ryan Greenwood, Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections

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