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Monday, March 19, 2018

Wednesday, March 21: Rare Books Open House!

All are invited to the Riesenfeld Rare Books Center's March rare books open house, rescheduled for this Wednesday, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.! 

Come out and enjoy free cookies, snacks and drinks, and see treasures from the library's rare books collection - including items for Women's History Month and Irish law in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

When: Wednesday, March 21st, 12 p.m - 3 p.m.

Where: Riesenfeld Rare Books Center*
What: Rare books, drinks, cookies and snacks!

*The Riesenfeld Center is in room N30 on the Sub-Plaza, at the end of the hall past Sullivan Cafe.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Alumni Weekend Open House, April 20

The Law Library's 2018 spring exhibit marks the 40th anniversary of Mondale Hall. Currently open in the Riesenfeld Rare Books Center, the exhibit showcases building designs, public campaign materials, letters and photos - as well as a scale architectural model and other memorabilia related to the construction and dedication of Mondale Hall - that have been drawn from the Law Library's archives and special collections.  

Before and during the Alumni Weekend Law School Community Reception, on Friday, April 20, from 4:30 - 5:30, stop by for the open house and tours of the exhibit. Curator of rare books and special collections, Ryan Greenwood, will guide visitors on tours of Mondale Hall history and the development of building plans that culminated in 1978 and again in 2001.

What: Alumni Weekend Exhibit Open House and Tours
When: April 20, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. 
Where: Riesenfeld Rare Books Research Center (N30 on the Subplaza past Sullivan Cafe; signs will lead you to the Riesenfeld Center from the main reception area)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Wednesday, March 7: Rare Books Open House!

All are invited to the Riesenfeld Rare Books Center's rare books open house this Wednesday, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.! 

Come out and enjoy free cookies, snacks and drinks, and see treasures from the library's rare books collection - including items for Women's History Month and St. Patrick's Day.

When: Wednesday, March 7th, 12 p.m - 3 p.m.

Where: Riesenfeld Rare Books Center
What: Rare books, drinks, cookies and snacks!

*The Riesenfeld Center is in room N30 on the Sub-Plaza, down past Sullivan Cafe.